Testicular Sperm Aspiration or TESA procedure focuses on the development of clinical excellence in all aspects of male fertility management and basic science techniques in Andrology. Testicular Sperm Aspiration or TESA procedure is a sperm retrieval procedure used to treat issues of male infertility and to provide couples with novel assisted reproductive techniques like IVF-ICSI and IUI. It is a needle aspiration of the testes performed in order to find sperm directly and is especially used for men facing problems like obstructive Azoospermia, or the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. The sperm retrieved through this procedure is then either preserved for later use or can be used in a current IVF-ICSI cycle. While the procedure can be and is used for both, obstructive and non-obstructive Azoospermia, the chances of Success of TESA are higher in obstructive Azoospermia. Those who are facing problems in natural conception owing factors of male infertility, TESA is a great way of fulfilling the dream of parenthood.

USG Training course designed for the practitioner interested in the ultrasound evaluation of the non-gravid pelvis.
Lecture includes basic physics, image orientation, and knob logy. Trans abdominal and Transvaginal scanning technique and protocol are reviewed along with pathology and case studies. Transvaginal scanning is included. The hands-on sessions in the trainer’s guide are essential components of the course and must be supervised by an experienced ultrasound practitioner.

Managing Male Partner in ART Practice focus on the development of clinical excellence in all aspects of male fertility management and basic science techniques in Andrology.

These may be given in a variety of combinations called protocols. In conventional IVF two types of protocols are commonly used; the long protocol and the short protocol. The drugs used in both protocols are the same however the dosages and the period administered are different. The medical practitioner reviews the patient’s records (woman’s age, response to the medication and the outcome of previous attempts) and determines which protocol will be used for the upcoming treatment cycle. IVF is a Basic ART Course for Clinicians which gives an in-depth understanding of all aspects of an IUI and In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle, from pre-treatment evaluation and testing, through the entire treatment path, and into planning for future cycles. This is a didactic course and comprises of lectures and case discussions.

IUI Training Course Objectives IUI Training course will help the applicants understand the sperm processing techniques. This course will be an intensive workshop to get a complete insight into the pre-requisites and techniques associated with Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI). IUI Training course includes lectures on IUI Techniques, demonstration as well as Live Hands -on Training of Sperm Preparation procedures and tips…

A three-month extensive training program for Clinicians and Embryologists in the field of Assisted Reproduction. A unique course dedicated to providing thorough practical skills to perform in IVF laboratories.

Reproductive medicine is concerning the male and female reproductive … in obstetrics and gynecology followed by training in reproductive endocrinology and infertility

The education programs in Andrology and Clinical Embryology have been conceived with the sole aim of training students in the field of Andrology and Embryology

The course will discuss the principles of cryobiology, including vitrification, and examine clinical data from the scientific literature. The modules also include demonstrations of vitrification cooling and warming procedures followed by hands-on work.