A three-month extensive training program for Clinicians and Embryologists in the field of Assisted Reproduction. A unique course dedicated to providing thorough practical skills to perform in IVF laboratories.
Mode of teaching
Theoretical classes
Intensive hands-on practical training
Course Content
Module 1: Andrology
Basic Semen Analysis: The following diagnostic procedures are covered:
Sample Collection and delivery
Patient Instructions and consent taking and handling of sample container.
Semen Volume
Semen liquefaction
Visual Appearance
Semen odor
Semen viscosity
Semen pH
Making a wet preparation
Initial Investigation of a wet preparation
Sperm motility assessment- motility categories
Sperm morphology- preparation, fixation, staining, mounting and evaluation of smear
Extended Semen Analysis/ Sperm function tests: The following diagnostic procedures are covered:
Physical membrane integrity (Vitality test)
Functional Integrity (HOS test)
Sperm DNA Fragmentation
Magnetic Sperm cell sorting
Sperm Preparation:
Selecting a sperm preparation method
Processing multiple samples
Sperm preparation using direct swim-up from semen
Sperm preparation using density gradient
Dealing with atypical semen samples
Sperm cryobanking- fundamentals of cryobiology, cryopreservation methods, identification methods
How to set up an IUI laboratory:
Equipments and Instruments required
Consumables and disposables required
Which media to select
Quality Control of the laboratory.
Module 2: Embryology
IVF Laboratory Methods
Disposables and culture media used in IVF
Selecting the right IVF lab equipment; calibration, maintenance and operation
IVF laboratory requirements for oocyte collection
Media making for IVF
Preparation of semen samples depending on the case
Preparation of semen samples for insemination in IVF/ ICSI
Various methods of sperm and oocyte mixing in IVF
Culture of oocytes post insemination till embryo transfer or freezing
Fertilization check; classification of zygotes based on PN scoring
Assessment of embryos and various grading classifications
Assessment and grading of cleavage stage embryos and selecting best embryo for transfer
Blastocyst culture and classification
Loading of embryos into embryo transfer catheter
Quality control of laboratory equipment and environment
Infection control monitoring
Cleaning and maintenance of IVF Laboratory
Module 3: Micromanipulation
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Understanding the inverted microscope and various micromanipulators
Selecting the tools for micromanipulation
Alignment of needles
Preparation of dish for ICSI
Denudation of oocytes
Selection of best sperm and immobilization
Handling oocytes
Microinjection of oocytes
Assessment of fertilization after ICSI
Troubleshooting in ICSI
Module 4: Cryopreservation
Embryo and Oocyte Cryopreservation
Selecting the right embryo for vitrification
Various vitrification solutions and selecting the most appropriate one
Various vitrification devices and selecting the most appropriate one
Vitrification procedure
Warming of Embryos
Selection of appropriate warming solutions
Warming method
Assessment of embryo survival
Module 5: Total Quality Management in assisted reproductive technology
Quality Control and Quality Assurance in a IVF laboratory
Trouble shooting in IVF laboratory
Module 6: Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Understanding Molecular biology and Genetic techniques
Genetics of Infertility
Genetics of Male Infertility
Genetics of Female Infertility
Role of PGD/PGS in IVF
Methods of genetic analysis
Understanding technical aspects and applications of PGD/PGS
Module 7: Regulation and Ethics in assisted reproductive technology
Understand current major legislatives and non-legislative policies in the world and India
Licenses, accreditations and approvals required for IVF laboratories
Legal and ethical aspects of IVF, gamete and embryo donation, surrogacy and embryo manipulation
Ethical and social responsibilities of an embryologist toward patient care
Module 8: Psychological counseling in IVF
Module 9: Paper writing, Presentation and research Orientation in IVF
All courses are full time on-site programs involving theoretical, practical, experimental and research studies. The student will be attached to ZIVA laboratories for in-depth hands-on experience. Textbooks by reputed master authors shall be offered in addition to detailed coursework unique to ZIVA.
Masters in Life Sciences, MBBS
Students are assessed by weekly quizzes, periodical assignments, paper presentations and module-end examinations. Certificates shall be awarded at the successful completion of the course.
Certificate Clinical Embryology: Rs. 400000+ 18%GST
Three months
Opening Hours